The Connective Tissue Connection

“It’s all in the fascia”.  How many times have I heard this from healthcare workers who have spent a lifetime working with injuries or researching mechanisms of health and healing? Loosely speaking, fascia is connective tissue.  It surrounds all our body parts, from big to small.  Fascia can be the ligaments that support and hold a joint together, or it can be the intricate wrappings around muscles at every level,…

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Are we what we whEAT?

Article by Gord Grant PhD, RAc Some people who are losing weight, healing from a sickness, or just trying to be healthier swear their success is due to restricting or even eliminating wheat from their diet.  This is not to be confused with people who have celiac disease, the autoimmune disorder in which eating gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye, triggers an inflammatory immune response that damages…

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Could the Sun be Good for your Heart? (no, this is not about Vitamin D!)

A recent and fascinating Ted Talk featured dermatologist Richard Weller who talks about the science of UV light and how it affects our health.  With humour and eloquence and simplicity, his talk demonstrates why people do not trust the media’s representation of medical discoveries sometimes. Although our skin creates Vitamin D from cholesterol when exposed to UV light from the sun, sunlight may give us another unexpected benefit too. New…

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When there was only “organic” and “local”…

Not long ago, there was the age of being close to our food. We were farmers. We grew, prepared, and ate our traditional foods. The food we ate looked like food. It was “organic”, “local” and “healthful”; and it would have been absurd and irrelevant to describe food these ways then! Then there came the age of convenience and science and security for many, which created canned food and processed…

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The Slow Fix Challenge

I listened to a great TED talk the other day by Carl Honore entitled, ”In Praise of Slowness”after his best selling book. As stated by TED, “Honore believes the western world’s emphasis on speed erodes health, productivity, and quality of life.”  I also recently heard him interviewed on CBC radio by broadcaster Alan Maitland, where Honore offers us a challenge to slow things down or at least find our “right” speed.  The default…

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Manage your energy, not your time!

Article by Gord Grant Ph.D, R.Ac. What is human energy?!  Why is it that some days, for me, anything seems possible? Here I feel a huge YES and the capability to engage life’s important yet difficult problems.  Other times, even the most innocuous obstacle can be daunting and derail me. I believe it has a lot to do with how I manage my energy. The poet David Whyte says, “When…

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When Stress becomes Disease – going beyond blame

Relaxation Massage at the Acupuncture Turning Point

by Gord Grant I want to talk about why we get sick. What qualifies me to talk about this?  Well, on the surface, it is because I have extensive post-secondary training and research experience in pathology. I am a pathology and pharmacology instructor at MacEwan University, and I am an acupuncturist who is trained to help people get well.  But more deeply, what really qualifies me, is that like you…

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Holistic and Integrated…what do these mean?

Our team is working hard to “walk the talk”  Holistic: We believe in our journey and vision of promoting a holistic healthcare that embraces all knowledge, both modern and traditional, evidence-based and experiential. We honour the knowledge that each of us has, both therapists and patients, of their own minds and bodies. We promote the work of a true team approach to problem solving and learning, and to put the…

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Auriculo (Ear) Therapy

Auriculotherapy involves the stimulation of the “auricle” of the external ear for the treatment of health conditions in other parts of the body. It applies the principles of acupuncture to specific points on the ear, and can be done with less cost without the need for full treatment tables or private sessions. It known as ear acupuncture or auricular acupuncture when the stimulation is achieved by the insertion of acupuncture…

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Study supports Acupuncture’s effectiveness for weight loss

Can acupuncture help you lose weight? Yes…but it’s not that simple. Weight management is a multi-dimensional issue. To have success all aspects of lifestyle must be considered. It is a challenge that is best addressed holistically (see our webpage which discusses the bigger picture). That being said there is some strong evidence supporting acupuncture’s effectiveness as a weight loss tool. A research team recently published their work in a journal…

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