Our team is working hard to “walk the talk”
Holistic: We believe in our journey and vision of promoting a holistic healthcare that embraces all knowledge, both modern and traditional, evidence-based and experiential. We honour the knowledge that each of us has, both therapists and patients, of their own minds and bodies. We promote the work of a true team approach to problem solving and learning, and to put the patient at the centre of knowing and discovery. Your optimal health is the primary goal of our team’s efforts.
Integrated: The word “integrated” goes beyond working as a group in one place. At The Acupuncture Turning Point, we try our best to “walk the talk”. Each therapist has a close-up and first-hand knowledge of all practitioners and modalities offered, because we are all required to optimize our own health by entering into treatment programs with each other. This way we better understand the therapeutic process first-hand as patients, affording us insights and opportunities to work synergistically for each other and you!