Try cupping with your next massage


Cupping marks can look alarming when you see the circular marks on the skin!  It is important to understand thought that these are not real bruises as you would get from an impact. These are from micro-bleeding from capillaries, caused by a temporary suction from the cups (like a hicky!). The marks on the skin can vary in a pattern and colour (from light red to dark purple). They can…

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“what’s up with cupping?”


Since Michael Phelps was seen with prominent cupping marks on his shoulders during the Olympics, cupping has been more recognized and accepted in the west as therapy for athletes.  But at the Acupuncture Turning Point we have long time integrated cupping into most treatments that involve chronic musculoskeletal pain, whether you are an athlete or not! Cupping can gently break the adhesions and bring new vigor to tissues associated the inflammation…

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Gua Sha – an ancient practice revisited – “iaSTiM”

by Gord Grant PhD, RAc and Alina Tousseeva RAc Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue mobilization (iaSTiM) is not a new idea at all! Who has not used a solid object or tool to work out the tight knots in your back muscles?  And think of all the self myofascial release instruments such as foam or ribbed plastic rollers, rubber balls and or other devices.  iaSTiM is indeed an ancient practice.  It…

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